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5 Things to Consider After Being Involved in an Auto Accident

Being involved in an auto accident can be frightening and stressful, leaving injured parties to worry about medical bills and potentially expensive vehicle repair. Fortunately, taking the proper steps after an accident can help solidify a person’s injury claim and ensure that he or she has the best possible chance of recovering compensation from the at-fault party. To learn more about these steps, please call Herbert E. Maxey, Jr., an experienced Prince Edward County auto accident lawyer who can advise you.


Obtain Medical Treatment


One of the most critical things that a person should keep in mind after being involved in a car accident is the importance of obtaining medical attention. This is true even for those who don’t initially believe that they suffered a serious injury. If, for instance, an ambulance shows up to the scene of the accident, it’s often a good idea to get at least a brief check-up, as the adrenaline rush that often comes with a collision can mask symptoms of a serious injury. Once medical attention has been sought, an injured party can use the records of those visits and subsequent treatment to help link an accident to a particular injury or condition.


Stay at the Scene


Unless a person requires emergency medical treatment, he or she should generally stay at the scene of a car accident in which he or she was involved, at least until the police have finished taking statements. Staying at the scene of the accident also gives victims the opportunity to collect the insurance and driver information of the other parties involved, as well as the contact information of any witnesses who saw the accident. Leaving the scene of an accident early can also give the impression of fault or a lack of care as to the well-being of the other parties involved, making it doubly important to remain at the scene of the crash until speaking with the police.


Pictures and Videos Can Make all the Difference


When it comes to proving fault in a  personal injury case, videos and pictures can go a long way towards helping demonstrate what actually happened on the day of the accident. Photos and videos of the accident scene, as well as the position of the vehicles, damage to personal property, and even a person’s injuries can help establish who or what caused a particular crash. While taking photos of details is important, including street signs and license plates, getting photos of the entire scene as a whole is often equally as important in helping re-create an accident.


Take the Lead When Initiating the Claims Process


Before someone can receive compensation for accident-related injuries, he or she will need to get in contact with the other party’s insurer to get the claims process going, as insurers are notorious for dragging their feet. This does not mean, however, that a person should enter into any settlement agreements with an insurer or agree to wrongdoing without first speaking with an attorney, as doing so could result in an unfair settlement award.


Speak with a Lawyer


How a car accident case is resolved will depend on the facts of the case at hand. If, for instance, fault is clear, the negligent party’s insurer may be willing to settle to avoid losing at trial. If, on the other hand, fault is more difficult to ascertain, the parties may need to litigate their case in court. In either case, the parties will have the best possible chance of recovering for their losses if they retain an attorney who is experienced in both negotiation and litigation.


A Dedicated Prince Edward County Auto Accident Lawyer


To speak with an experienced car accident attorney about the ins and outs of filing a car accident claim in Virginia, please call Herbert E. Maxey, Jr. at 434-969-4873 today.

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